Growing the industry. No wonder we have a diversity problem!

Why do we have a diversity problem in 2024?

“There is an obvious gender imbalance in STEM study choices in our country with female students dropping from 41.5% in Year 12 to only 19.8% in higher (tertiary) education. Postgraduate and Masters/PhD show an even more dramatic decrease, with only 4.6% and 2.4% of women respectively.”

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Education, growing the industry Victoria MacLennan Education, growing the industry Victoria MacLennan

Growing the Industry: Talking tech in schools

For those of us who live and breathe digital tech we know how wonderful this industry can be, how well it can pay, how creative, rewarding and mentally stimulating the mahi (work) can be. Sadly we are only a tiny percentage of the population and unless someone in your immediate whānau works in our space most people have no idea - especially our tamariki (children). 

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