The ITP Code of Ethics

Above all else, the essence of being a professional is operating ethically and with the interests of the public, community, and the client at the forefront of their actions. ITP Members subscribe to the ITP Code of Ethics.

The ITP Code of Ethics is issued under the authority of the Constitution of the Institute of IT Professionals New Zealand Inc (the legal name for ITP) and is binding on all members of the Institute.

ITP membership provides greater assurance and trust to clients and the public. If an ITP member breaches the Code of Ethics, their client or a member of the public have the right to complain to ITP who have a process for dealing with complaints.

The full Code of Ethics is made up of three components:

  1. The code itself, made up of the 8 Tenets above

  2. Guidelines and Interpretation, to assist in interpretation of the Code

  3. Breaches and Disciplinary Process, defined within the IITP Bylaws

These three components are together referred to as the "Code of Ethics" and can be downloaded above.

Tenets of the Code of Ethics

The following are the 8 tenets (principles) of the Code of Ethics. See below for the full Code of Ethics, including interpretation and the disciplinary process.

IT Professionals will practice with:

  1. Good faith - Members shall treat people with dignity, good faith and equality; without discrimination; and have consideration for the values and cultural sensitivities of all groups within the community affected by their work;

  2. Integrity - Members shall act in the execution of their profession with integrity, dignity and honour to merit the trust of the community and the profession, and apply honesty, skill, judgement and initiative to contribute positively to the well-being of society;

  3. Community-focus - Members' responsibility for the welfare and rights of the community shall come before their responsibility to their profession, sectional or private interests or to other members;

  4. Skills - Members shall apply their skills and knowledge in the interests of their clients or employers for whom they will act without compromising any other of these Tenets;

  5. Continuous Development - Members shall develop their knowledge, skills and expertise continuously through their careers, contribute to the collective wisdom of the profession, and actively encourage their associates to do likewise;

  6. Informed Consent - Members shall take reasonable steps to inform themselves, their clients or employers of the economic, social, environmental or legal consequences which may arise from their actions;

  7. Managed Conflicts of Interest - Members shall inform their clients or employers of any interest which may be, or may be perceived as being, in conflict with the interests of their clients or employers, or which may affect the quality of service or impartial judgement;

  8. Competence - Members shall follow recognised professional practice, and provide services and advice carefully and diligently only within their areas of competence.

The Code is mandatory. ALL members of the Institute must abide by the ITP Code of Ethics, hence it is essential to have a good working understanding and knowledge of it.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Tenet 5 of the Code of Ethics deals with ongoing professional development. This is also a requirement for ITP membership and CTech and CITPNZ Certification.

ITP members meet this requirement by committing to continue learning and developing, and completing a minimum amount of formal learning and professional development on an ongoing basis (Members and Fellows: 20 hrs/year).

While core technical knowledge is very important, being an IT Professional isn't just about technical skills. Professionals continue to develop themselves in a range of professional areas such as communication and leadership as well as core IT, and any of these may count towards CPD requirements.

Formal CPD may include any of the following:

  • IT-related or other courses that further a member's professional development

  • Attending ITP-organised branch or national professional events

  • Giving IT-orientated presentations to ITP or ITP-recognised events, seminars or conferences

  • Training that aids in professional development - inhouse or formal

  • Maintaining a subscription to an IT industry-related publication (up to 50% of CPD)

  • Attendance at seminars or conferences related to the member's profession

  • Active involvement in ITP Branch Committees or National Board

  • Any other professional development activity or training that relates directly to your professional duties and responsibilities

The ITP Operations Team can provide advice on what can count towards CPD requirements. Don't hesitate to contact ITP for more information.