Cloud Computing Code

Cloud Computing can offer significant advantages to businesses and individuals who venture into "the Cloud" in terms of cost, flexibility, scalability and convenience. But it is not without risk. Cloud users have the right to know how trustworthy and transparent their Cloud provider is.

Users of Cloud services entrust their important business and personal data to Cloud Providers and have the right to know how trustworthy their provider, and their provider's products and services, really are. The Cloud is about trust, and the New Zealand CloudCode helps users make informed decisions.

What is the CloudCode?

Through the NZ Cloud Computing Code of Practice (NZ CloudCode), professional and responsible cloud service providers benchmark and demonstrate their practices, processes, and ethics via an independent third party to build trust with prospective customers.

Signatories to the CloudCode take their responsibilities seriously and make two key commitments:

  1. They won't say an offering is "Cloud Computing" unless it really is (ie. no "Cloudwashing"). There are specific and significant benefits from genuine Cloud products or services but unfortunately some unscrupulous providers try to pass non-Cloud products or services off as Cloud Computing.

  2. They will disclose important details about their Cloud products and services - upfront - to allow potential customers to make informed decisions. No surprises, no hiding behind sales pitches, and no obfuscation. Just the facts. And to be sure, the CloudCode sets these disclosures out in detail.

The disclosures required of the CloudCode cover all aspects of the provision of Cloud products and services, and with most disclosures outlined in plain English, Cloud users can have confidence that they're able to make an informed decision, whether they themselves are Cloud experts or not. Users should refer to the CloudCode Guidance in interpreting disclosures, along with the guidance from the Office of the NZ Privacy Commissioner.

The CloudCode (and disclosures) was developed with input from over 250 cloud providers, users, individuals and other stakeholders and was funded by a group of Cloud providers keen to protect the integrity of this important future-focused sector.

More information:

More information on the NZ CloudCode website (or contact us).