Careers Vic MacLennan Careers Vic MacLennan

New Zealand's Digital Skills Gap: A Looming Threat to Our Economic Future

Declining Investment, Shrinking Talent Pool. Over-Reliance on Imported Talent. The Untapped Potential of a Skilled Domestic Workforce. All isights from Toi Mai’s workforce development plan for digital technologies. I pose the argument for why we need to take this as seriously as government has taken the shortage of construction workers in recent years.

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Government, Industry News, Innovation Peter Griffin Government, Industry News, Innovation Peter Griffin

Griffin on Tech: The stark contrast between Aussie’s innovation-heavy budget and our own

Australia faces many of the problems we do at the moment, but is fundamentally a wealthier country, which is why the last few budgets there have seen left and right-leaning governments alike make some big investments in tech and knowledge economy initiatives they hope will lift salaries and high value exports in the longrun.

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