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Growing the Industry: Talking tech in schools
For those of us who live and breathe digital tech we know how wonderful this industry can be, how well it can pay, how creative, rewarding and mentally stimulating the mahi (work) can be. Sadly we are only a tiny percentage of the population and unless someone in your immediate whānau works in our space most people have no idea - especially our tamariki (children).
The role of VR in the classroom, something we should be embracing or not?
Leveraging technology in the classroom is pretty well documented and understood these days. The need for enhanced digital technology skills and capabilities to be taught to ensure our ākonga (learners) are developing the range of skills they require for their future jobs is also well understood.
Want to support companies that support women? Look at your investments through a ‘gender lens’
Gender equity continues to be a significant problem in business globally. Here's a powerful way to tackle it...
The internet in 2023: We are highly connected, but significant disparities remain
As a nation we are more immersed in the online world than ever and overwhelmingly see the internet as a force for good. But...
Growing the industry: Education programme Tahi Rua Toru Tech
16,000+ tamariki (children) were involved across the motu 1,900+ teachers learned more about the digital technology curriculum while supporting learners through the programme 80% of the 2022 national winners were girls!!!!!
High interest in tech at school but low tertiary uptake - Datacom
Research from IT services company Datacom shows that 40% of New Zealanders have considered studying for a career in tech.