Challenges and Triumphs: a journey in Testing and QA

Have you ever wondered how someone lands in a specific tech niche? In this episode of "Bridging the Gap," I chat with Lynda, a Test and QA Consultant who brings a unique perspective to the digital world.

Lynda's journey wasn't your typical one. She steers the conversation away from the "stumbled into testing" narrative and reveals a turning point early in her career: a testing course that sparked a passion for improving software quality.

Our conversation also delves into the challenges Lynda has faced as a woman in tech, particularly the hurdles of re-entering the workforce after having a child. She offers insightful solutions, highlighting the importance of work-life balance and establishing boundaries.

But the conversation isn't all about challenges. Lynda sheds light on the strengths women bring to the QA space, specifically their empathy and emotional intelligence. These qualities, she argues, lead to more user-friendly software and smoother team collaboration.

Be sure to listen out for Lynda's "yes moment" – a thrilling production change that had her and her team on the edge of their seats. And if you're considering a career in digital technology, you won't want to miss Lynda's advice. She encourages listeners to be proactive, network with professionals, and seek out opportunities to learn and grow.

Intrigued by Lynda's story and eager to learn more? Tune in to the full episode of "Bridging the Gap" to hear Lynda discuss her experiences in detail, including the challenges of working in a male-dominated team and the specific strategies she uses to manage her work-life balance.

On Apple

I have to disclose the technology used to help me write up this summary - Fireflies.AI and Google Gemini. Vic

Vic MacLennan

CEO of IT Professionals, Te Pou Haungarau Ngaio, Vic believes everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand deserves an opportunity to reach their potential so as a technologist by trade she is dedicated to changing the face of the digital tech industry - to become more inclusive, where everyone has a place to belong. Vic is also on a quest to close the digital divide. Find out more about her mahi on LinkedIN.


ITP Cartoon by Jim - The Cliff


Fearless Advice