Ideas on how to use GenAI


After reading about comedians using GenAI to help them write jokes I wondered what else people use these tools to assist them with. I know my use tends to be to edit copy or look for additional references, occasionally I will be inspired to ask advice on how to learn / approach something - especially overcoming writers block, but that’s about it for me.

Asking both ChatGPT4 and Gemini what are the most common use cases for their platforms came out with pretty much what you’d expect - information retrieval and summarisation, content creation, coding help and technical documentation, explaining concepts, writing lyrics, debate and discussion points, data interpretation.

So I asked them about “obscure or complex” and “unusual and unexpected” uses of their platforms, I’ve pasted the summary lists below.

Finally, I asked what else we could be using their platforms for (that we haven’t explored in earnest yet), here is a short list (from the very long lists):

  • Personalised task management

  • Automation scripts

  • LinkedIN profile optimisation

  • Learning plans

  • Customised fitness plans

  • Pitch Deck creation

  • Feedback on public speaking / practice subject

  • Scenario planning for complex decision making

  • Digital Footprint management

Hope this helps you get the most out of our AI assistant platforms!

ChatGPT4 - “obscure or complex” uses:

Advanced Data Science and Machine Learning

  • Custom Algorithm Development

  • Statistical Analysis of Complex Datasets

Simulation and Optimization

  • Supply Chain Optimization

  • Game Theory and Decision Analysis

Complex Legal or Regulatory Analysis

  • Contract Analysis

  • Regulatory Compliance

Advanced Mathematical Problems

  • Theoretical Mathematics

  • Cryptographic Analysis

Philosophical and Ethical Dilemmas

  • Ethical AI Development

  • Philosophical Argument Construction

Scientific Research and Experiment Design

  • Designing Experiments

  • Interpreting Scientific Papers

Linguistic and Cultural Analysis

  • Constructed Languages

  • Cultural Artifacts Interpretation

Creative and Experimental Writing

  • Complex Narrative Structures

  • Experimental Poetry or Art

Strategic Business and Market Analysis

  • Market Entry Strategy

  • M&A and Valuation Models

Advanced Technical Writing and Documentation

  • Technical White Papers

  • API Documentation

Gemini - “unusual and unexpected” uses:

Personal Development

  • Guidance on personal challenges

  • Career advice, or life coaching.

Legal and Ethical Consultation

  • Hypothetical legal scenarios

  • Ethical dilemmas for discussion

Mental Health Support:

  • Seeking emotional support or a listening ear.

Fantasy and Worldbuilding:

  • Creating fictional worlds, characters, or storylines.

Language Learning:

  • Language practice

  • Vocabulary expansion, and cultural insights.

Market Research:

  • Hypothetical market scenarios

  • Insights into consumer behavior.

Vic MacLennan

CEO of IT Professionals, Te Pou Haungarau Ngaio, Vic believes everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand deserves an opportunity to reach their potential so as a technologist by trade she is dedicated to changing the face of the digital tech industry - to become more inclusive, where everyone has a place to belong. Vic is also on a quest to close the digital divide. Find out more about her mahi on LinkedIN.


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