Getting Started: Building a ChatGPT to Help You Break into the Industry!

Like many of us have experienced in our careers, I found myself unexpectedly out of a job recently.

While this was initially a daunting experience, it also presented an opportunity to dive into something I've always been passionate about: Video Games.

During my downtime, I created a GPT to help others who are also interested in getting into the gaming industry here in Aotearoa (New Zealand). My GPT on "Getting into Games Aotearoa" is designed to provide anyone with the personalised support and resources you need to succeed.

I want to share how it can help you and provide some prompt hints to get you started if you find yourself unexpectedly out of a job.

What is ChatGPT for?

Considering who is probably reading this blog, I don’t need to explain what ChatGPT is. But I have learnt not to make assumptions – ChatGPT powerful language model developed by OpenAI. It is an artificial intelligence program that generates dialogue. What I have observed, ChatGPT has quickly become today’s version of a search engine.

I've simply used the tool and customised it to assist people looking to navigate where they are now and enter the video games industry in Aotearoa New Zealand.

How ChatGPT Can Help You?

Transitioning into a new industry can be challenging, but ChatGPT makes it easier by providing tailored guidance and resources.

Here’s what you can think about:

  • Personalised Career Advice

Not sure where to start? ChatGPT can help you identify your strengths and interests, then suggest potential career paths in gaming.

Games specific; whether you're interested in game development, design, or community management, you'll get advice tailored to your unique situation. Its that cool.

  • Education and Training Recommendations

Education is key to breaking into any industry. ChatGPT can provide information on various educational programs and courses offered by institutions in New Zealand. From game development degrees to short-term coding bootcamps, you'll find options that fit your needs and budget.

  • Networking and Industry Connections

Building a network is crucial in the gaming industry. ChatGPT can guide you to local industry events, online communities, and professional groups where you can meet like-minded individuals and industry veterans. Networking can open doors to mentorship, collaborations, and job opportunities.

  • Job and Internship Listings

Stay ahead of the competition by accessing the latest job and internship listings in the New Zealand gaming industry. ChatGPT can help you find opportunities that match your skills and career goals, making your job search more efficient.]

  • Staying Updated on Industry Trends

For example, the Video Games industry is constantly evolving. ChatGPT keeps you informed about the latest trends, technologies, and developments. This knowledge can help you stay competitive and make informed decisions about your career.

Prompt Hints for Users

To get the most out of ChatGPT, developing your prompting skills is where the magic happens. Try some of these basic prompts:

  • Career Advice:

-        What are the different career paths in the video games industry?

-        How can I transition from IT to game development?

-        What skills do I need to become a game designer?

  • Education and Training:

-        What are the best game development courses in New Zealand (or you can be more specific – in Auckland)?

-        Can you recommend online coding bootcamps for game development?

-        What qualifications do I need to work in game design?

  • Networking and Industry Connections:

-        What gaming events are happening in New Zealand?

-        How can I connect with game developers in my area?

-        Are there any online communities for game designers?

  • Job and Internship Listings:

-        What entry-level game development jobs are available in New Zealand?

-        Where can I find internships with game studios?

-        How do I apply for volunteer positions in the video games industry?

  • Staying Updated on Industry Trends:

-        What are the latest trends in game design?

-        How is the video games industry evolving in New Zealand?

-        What new technologies are being used in game development?

Try It Out!

I'm excited to offer you access to our "Getting into Games Aotearoa" ChatGPT tool. Click the link below and start your journey into the video games industry. Whether you're looking to transition from another field or re-enter the workforce, use ChatGPT to help you every step of the way.

You can explore other GPTs that have been created.

Ngā mihi nui (thank you for reading),


Shaun Gear

Shaun is passionate about digital equity, a champion for digital skills and the video games industry. He has a proven track record in developing and maintaining strategic partnerships across sectors to enhance educational outcomes and employment for Industry and rangatahi.

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