Audiobooks: Unleashing the Power of Stories for Everyone

For many, curling up with a good book is a cherished pastime. But what if holding a physical book or undertaking traditional style reading isn't an option, or simply doesn't fit your lifestyle? Enter audiobooks: the game-changers that open the world of literature to everyone, regardless of age, ability, or busy schedule.

I have only just discovered them in my 50’s and as a person who struggles to finish a book I’ve found them revolutionary in my life.

A Lifeline for the Blind and Visually Impaired

We live in a world brimming with stories, yet some people can't easily access them through physical books. For those who are blind or visually impaired, audiobooks can be a revolutionary tool. They transform the once-inaccessible into an immersive experience, granting equal access to the magic of storytelling.

My Grandmother had eye surgery recently and it was my daughter who had the brilliant idea to get her started with audiobooks and she’s loving them, and talking Alexa through the navigation aspects.

Busy Lives and Aging Eyes

From busy individuals to our elderly population, audiobooks offer a convenient and accessible way to fit reading into their day. Stuck in traffic? Listen to a gripping mystery. Folding laundry? Immerse yourself in a historical biography. Audiobooks allow us to multitask, conquering chores or commutes while still absorbing a captivating story. They also provide a welcome relief for those with aging eyes who may struggle with small print.

A Different Way to Experience Stories

The benefits of audiobooks go beyond convenience. Skilled narrators can bring characters to life with distinct voices and inflections, adding a whole new dimension to the story.  This can be especially helpful for auditory learners who may find traditional reading challenging.  I’ve even found that audiobooks allow listeners to adjust the pace of narration, tailoring the experience to their preference which is cool.

I’ve made audio books part of my life while I am commuting, working out, cooking and trying to get to sleep. Whether you are physically or visually impaired, busy, or simply looking for a new way to experience stories, audiobooks are here to break down barriers and open doors to a world of literary adventures.

Getting started

Today, accessing audiobooks is easier than ever. Libraries offer extensive audiobook collections, often available for free download. Subscription services provide a vast library of titles, while online retailers allow you to purchase individual books. Most audiobooks are compatible with smartphones, tablets, and smart speakers, making them readily available at any time.

I asked Google Gemini - what are the leading audiobook products on the market and where can I find reviews? Here is what it suggested.

Subscription Services:

  • Audible: Owned by Amazon, Audible offers a vast library of audiobooks, with exclusive content and originals. You can find reviews on their website, app store ratings, and tech review websites. (

  • This subscription service focuses on supporting independent bookstores. They offer a curated selection of audiobooks and competitive pricing. Reviews can be found on their website, app store ratings, and book review websites. (

  • Scribd: This subscription service offers not only audiobooks but also ebooks, magazines, and sheet music. Reviews are available on their website, app store ratings, and review platforms focusing on ebooks. (

Free Audiobook Apps:

  • LibriVox: This platform offers a large collection of audiobooks read by volunteers. Since the recordings are volunteer-produced, quality can vary. Reviews can be found on their website and app store ratings. (

  • OverDrive: This app is typically accessed through your local library. The selection and availability of audiobooks will depend on your library's offerings. Reviews can be found on library websites and app store ratings.

  • Spotify: While primarily known for music, Spotify has added a growing selection of audiobooks to their platform. Reviews are available on their website, app store ratings, and review platforms focusing on music streaming. (

Additional Resources for Reviews:

Choosing the Right Audiobook Product:

When selecting an audiobook product, consider these factors:

  • Cost: Subscription services typically offer a monthly fee, while free apps might have limited selections or require in-app purchases.

  • Selection: The size and variety of the audiobook library are important factors.

  • Features: Look for features like adjustable narration speed, bookmarking, and offline listening capabilities.

  • Device Compatibility: Ensure the app works on your preferred device (phone, tablet, computer).

By considering these points and utilizing the review resources listed above, you can find the perfect audiobook product to enhance your listening experience.

Vic MacLennan

CEO of IT Professionals, Te Pou Haungarau Ngaio, Vic believes everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand deserves an opportunity to reach their potential so as a technologist by trade she is dedicated to changing the face of the digital tech industry - to become more inclusive, where everyone has a place to belong. Vic is also on a quest to close the digital divide. Find out more about her mahi on LinkedIN.


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