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Tech Chat Tuesday

Grab your lunch, a cuppa, and come have a chat with other digital tech folks across Aotearoa New Zealand. This is a member-only event.

If you've got a suggestion for topics to discuss then feel free to email in to

ITP's Tech Chat Tuesday is a chance for members to connect up and have a bit of a chat in a small group setting. This is a no-sales zone.

We'll start with a quick welcome and then split up participants randomly into groups depending on how many we have online. Come and meet others in the ITP community and feel free to engage as much or as little as you're comfortable.

Following the success of these events under the lockdown and hearing the feedback from our members across the country we have decided to continue the Tech Chat Tuesdays as a monthly event.

Connecting in

We'll be using Zoom for these Tech Chat Tuesdays, so if you haven't used it before we suggest trying to join 5 minutes early to download the software.

We will email the connection details on the morning prior to the session to the email addresses registered, so please check your email! 


Tech Chat Tuesdays are free and available to ITP members only. To find out more about ITP membership or join click here.

Please note that this session may be video or audio recorded for viewing by other members at a later date. As it is possible that audience members may be incidentally recorded, please let us know if you specifically want to be excluded and we will ensure you are not shown.

Attendance Cost

All ITP Financial Members: FREE

27 August

Dunedin ICT Community - Drinks, Meal and Get Together!

9 September

Lunch and Learn: Investment for Startups