Certified Technologist (CTech) is the new standard for IT Professionals within the first few years of their career. Certified Technologists have proven foundational technology, interpersonal and professional practice skills.

Certified Technologist is not a technical or vendor certification, but a qualification that demonstrates professional practice. Certified Technologists:

  • Adhere to a Code of Professional Conduct

  • Continue to develop themselves professionally

  • Demonstrate they can achieve results.


Employers look for CTech on your CV

Certified Technologist accreditation indicates an IT professional meets fundamental standards of competence, education, experience, and ethical conduct. This is an evidence-based qualification and usually requires 3-4 years of combined education and industry experience.

Holders of Certified Technologist may use the CTech post nominal after their name (eg John Smith CTech). CTechs are instantly recognised in New Zealand and around the world as IT Professionals who achieve results.

Research shows that those holding professional accreditation such as CTech and CITPNZ earn significantly more on average than those who don't (or who just hold technical or vendor certification).

Certified Technologist will make a difference to your CV.